A question for Erez/Duvdev about their modular

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A question for Erez/Duvdev about their modular

Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:00 am

I've been using synths for a long time (almost as long as I've been Infected [since 2000!]) and my dream has always been to have a big analog modular setup for sound design/processing/mayhem. I'm finally able to put some money into a modular and am in the process of planning my system, which will end up mixing MOTM format modules with Eurorack and a few other semimodular pieces like Moogerfoogers and the Sherman Filterbank. I'm curious what your favorite modules are in your Doepfer/Eurorack setup... and wonder if there are any especially crazy/awesome sounds from that modular that have ended up on your most recent albums. Thanks!
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Infected erez
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Re: A question for Erez/Duvdev about their modular

Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:26 pm

I don't remember the exact names of the modules because I'm far from the studio at the moment
but check the studio pictures and may be u could see the Russian filter in the doepfer and also the other filter which is crazy sounding
we got just these two.
We get our crazy stuff from analoghaven
also the freq box from moog is really good and weird
the ring from moog is one of the best rings I heard and the phaser is simple but great
there is no end for this

I also like the digital modular from scope and Adern good for us not too many people know about it.
and the nord g2 is one of the best sounding modular/synth ever for my opinion.
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Joined: Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:16 pm

Re: A question for Erez/Duvdev about their modular

Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:10 am

Thanks for the information! I saw those studio pics when they first went up and forgot that there was a close-up of the modular on there. That Harvestman Polivoks was already on my shopping list (along with their Malgorithm). I wasn't aware of that Doepfer filter (which is apparently a MS-20 clone) but it seems like a pretty crazy module, especially for the price - the Doepfer stuff is so cheap! I've got the Moog ringmod and phaser already, and the FreqBox is my next purchase - I don't know if the MURFs and delay are worth it (for me, at any rate). Thanks for the tip about the Adern - I wasn't aware of it before I came across this forum. And you're right... there really is no end to modular madness!

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